Symposion Network

bringing European teacher education institutions together ...

The University of Education in Upper Austria (PHOOE) is a founding member of "Sympsion Network", a network of around 20 European teacher education institutions. Symposion Network has annual meetings at one of the member universities and tries to implement projects, programs, etc. which are not originally included in the Erasmus+ projects and also to coordinate Erasmus+ cooperation better. It offers an exchange platform for ideas, best practice expamples and fosters cooperative publications, like the "Teaching Europe Podcast" just now (subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and everywhere else where podcasts are to find. 

For more details go to the Symposion Network website (you can also listen to the Teaching Europe Podcast there directly): 

News & Aktuelles

Wie verhalte ich mich, wenn ich einem fremden Menschen begegne? Welche Ängste und Unsicherheiten werden in diesem Moment abgerufen und warum…

Gabriele Steinmair und Martin Schöfl (Institut Primarstufe) widmen sich in ihrer aktuellen Forschungstätigkeit dem Kooperationsprojekt "SCHNAPP".…


Am 23. Mai von 17:00 bis 18:30 zu „Schuldenprävention durch Finanzbildung: Ein Dialog…