flex-based Learning – Fostering creative problem-solving skills in STEM lessons

Target group: Teachers, who teach biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics or physics at secondary level I.

Registration: 01 May 2023 until 18. June 2023

Duration: 2 Semester

Course completion: University course certificate (9 ECTS-AP)

Organisation: This course is conducted in a hybrid form. This means that both online meetings and face-to-face workshops are held. The video conferencing software "ZOOM" is used for the online meetings. The "Moodle" platform is used for data exchange.

Goals: The course enables teachers from the STEM subjects to strengthen the scientific creativity and thus the creative problem-solving skills of their students. The necessary theoretical and didactic concepts as well as the practical and pedagogical competences are taught over the course of a school year. Teaching techniques are presented and then used in your own lessons. The exchange with colleagues via online meetings and face-to-face workshops as well as reflection in professional learning groups plays a central role.


  • e-Lectures on topics such as "Creative Product", "Creative Process", "Creative Environment" and "Creative Person".
  • e-Tutorials on specially developed teaching techniques such as Thinkflex, Woseco, flexperiments, Live Acts or Clustering. These serve to foster divergent thinking and creative problem-solving skills in science lessons as well as in mathematics and computer science.*.
  • Workshops on the teaching techniques listed above.  

* In computer science the focus is on computational thinking, with emphasis on creating algorithms and their practical implementation in problem solving.

Procedure & Dates: You can find the dates and information about the course here

Costs: There are no costs for the course other than accommodation and travel costs.

Wolfgang Aschauer:  wolfgang.aschauer@ph-ooe.at

Pre-registration for the flex-based learning course
During the course there will be regular workshops & reflections according to the above canon of subjects. During the course I would like to assign myself to the following subject group:
Group Assignment:*

I have read the privacy policy and agree to the automated processing of my data listed above.

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