Welcome to PHOÖ International

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PHOÖ (Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich, University of Education Upper Austria) has long been a central key element for international university cooperation in the region. The strong commitment to our partnerships in student mobility, research cooperation and networking has made us play an important role in European teacher training. 

Use the side navigation for all services and tools we provide. 


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PHOOE project "EdUkraine" Projekt wins "City of Diversity Award"!

EdUkraine, a project the University of Education Upper Austria runs together with the Austrian National Agency (ÖAD), three Ukrainian universities, the Upper Austrian School Administration Board and six Upper Austrian schools, received a "Stadt der Vielfalt/City of Diversity" award by the Linz city government. 

The project brings Ukrainian students to schools in Linz and other towns in Upper Austria, who help Ukrainian children there with mother tongue support in teaching, emotional support in the difficult situation of having been displaced because of the war and also general support with the integration into life in a foreign country. 


Videoclip about the project:

Nightingale Projektabschluss 2024!

Als Abschluss des Mentoring-Projekts NIGHTINGALE fand am 5. Juni 2024 eine abenteuerreiche Schnitzeljagd im BRUCKNERHAUS statt.  Die Mentees hatten viel Spaß bei ihrer Schatzsuche. Die Zertifikatsverleihungen für die Mentor*innen und Mentees samt gemeinsamer Jause rundeten diese tolle Farewell-Party ab. 

International "Winterschool" at PH OÖ!

The social impact of distance learning

Most of us learned to value the online options we had during the Pandemic - for many of us it was the only way to keep international friendships up to date and to continue our school or studies. Much of what had to been developed and implemented stayed and changed our approach to teaching and learning essentially. But we also know the problems, the difficulties, the dangers - mostly in effects on our social life. In the framework of a CEPUS "winterschool", 40 participants from various countries discussed the social aspects of distance learning to make this kind of teaching better. See here a TERA FM TV/radioshow about the program: 
TV: https://www.dorftv.at/video/43845 
Radio: https://www.fro.at/internationale-winterschool-an-der-phooe/ 

Teaching Europe - a new Podcast by Symposion Network!

produced by PH OÖ!

Symposion Network is a network of 17 teacher education universities from all over Europe, from Norway till Spain and from Ireland till Serbia. PH OÖ is founding member and also represented in the steering team. 

As a new project Symposion Network is publishing a podcast called "Teaching Europe" in which experts from all symposion partners reflect on an educational topic from the perspective of their country. In series 1 the topic is inclusion. 

Listen and subscribe to it on Spotify: click here 
Listen and subscribe to it on Apple Podcasts: click here 
Listen to in on the Symposion Network website: click here 



New studyprogram in Sweden!

Especially designed for international students!

Linnæus University offers a unique study program designed for International students in teacher education - for more details download a pdf folder here: Download folder

EPTE program at HAN University, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Again an international student group taught by international teachers - European Primary Teacher Education

For over 10 years PH OÖ cooperates with several European partners in the EPTE program (European Primary Teacher Education - see also www.epteteacher.eu). The program always takes place every summer semester at a different partner location. 2 - 3 students from 6 European countries study together at one of the partners from Austria, the Netherlands, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia and Slowenia. Assimina Gouma and Jan Böhm represented PH OÖ in Nijmegen this semester. The next EPTE program will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in the summer semester 2024. Interested students can get information at IKS from the PH OÖ Outgoing Students team (click here for direct link). 

Erasmus+ (ECHE) charta and PHOOE codes

PHOOE Erasmus Code: A LINZ 03

PHOOE PIC Code: 949233853

PHOOE OID: E10080085 

Postal address: 

Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich/University of Education Upper-Austria 
Kaplanhofstrasse 40 
4020 Linz 


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