International project activities

The subpages of this site provide a selection of international projects with PHOÖ contribution and involvement. Use the side navigation for more detailed descriptions. 

Working together for development in education ...

The University of Education Upper Austria (PHOOE) is engagend in various international projects, playing a leading role in founding and coordinating some of them. We think bringing education forward is only possible through combining experience and knowledge of all involved in teacher training and school development. 

Therefore we are open for everybody with new ideas to make school what it should be - a "paradise" for learning! 

News & Aktuelles

Nora Cechovsky und Johanna Pichler (Institut Berufspädagogik) beschäftigen sich in ihrer Forschungstätigkeit mit dem Thema "Soziale Interaktion in der…

Am 16. Juli 2024 wurde Rektor DDr. Walter Vogel von Bildungsminister ao. Univ-Prof. Dr. Martin Polaschek das Dekret für die zweite Amtsperiode als…


Wie verhalte ich mich, wenn ich einem fremden Menschen begegne? Welche Ängste und…