Nightingale Mentoring Project
In a tandem system students spend their free time together with a mentee in a meaningful way. Possible activities are cooking together, playing games, doing handcraft, visiting museums or different cultural events, just going for a walk, getting to know interesting people, and many more things. In this way students of the University of Education work as pedagogues following the idea of the implicit pedagogics by Pierre Bourdieu. Children (mostly immigrants) are shown new ways to go, ways they probably wouldn’t go without support from their mentors. Thus mentees get more self confident and open minded.
Mentors win organisational, social and intercultural competences. The project Nightingale offers mutual benefit to both mentors and mentees.
The project starts in October and lasts for eight months. For the start mentors meet the mentees and their parents for the first time. Afterwards mentors and mentees meet once a week in the afternoon. A farewell party, which often includes a boat trip on the Danube, symbolizes the end of the project in June.
Supporting activities:
Mentors are supported by supervision and write reflections on critical incidents.This project is arranged in a way that it can easily be chosen by extra- occupational students as well.
If you need more information on this wonderful project (ECTS, which course to enroll, which semesters, …..), see support contact details in sidebar!
Visual impressions:

Coordinator "Nightingale" at PHOOE

Karl Wegenschimmel
+43 732 7470 7109