Innovative Problem Solving – School as a think tank for creative solutions

Target group: Teachersof all subjects in lower and upper secondary education

Registration: 01 May 2023 until 18. June 2023

Duration:  2 Semester

Course completion: University course certificate (9 ECTS-AP)

Goals: Using selected tools from the Innovative FOCUS program, participants learn how to break out of their ingrained ways of thinking and generate creative ideas for a sustainable future. Teachers learn creativity techniques suitable for schools, as well as elements of project management and entrepreneurship. The participants receive the didactic tools to pass on the acquired competences to pupils, so that they can accompany and support young people on their way to becoming creative actors.

Furthermore, the course aims to initiate school development processes in schools that focus on solving concrete real-life problems and that transform the place "school" into a place of creative problem solving.

The necessary theoretical, practical, didactic and pedagogical competences and skills are taught and practised in this course.

Procedure & Dates: You can find the dates and information about the course here​​​​​​​. 

Organisation: The video conferencing software "ZOOM" is used for the online meetings.
The "Moodle" platform is used for data exchange.

Costs: There are no costs for the course other than accommodation, seminar flat rate and travel costs.

Kurt Haim:

Pre-registration for the innovative problem solving course

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