Course program for international students winter semester

Introductory week - 1 ECTS

Please put this course title and number for the introductory week into your learning agreement: Introduction to Austrian Culture, Communication, Education - 28WINTR01N

Participation in the introductory week is mandatory for all incoming students at PHOOE, so please plan your travel accordingly! The program includes a welcome part, excursions in the city and to the mountains with a lot of information about Austrian geography and culture, all technical information you need to know about the university's systems like Digital Learning Management, your electronic course calendar, using the computer systems, an introduction to schoolpractice, etc.. It usually runs for 4 days and usually starts in the week before regular courses start, so for the winter semester usually in the last week of September. 

Subject Area 1 - Teaching Practice, Supervision and Teaching Methods

Subject area 2 - Music, Arts and Handicraft

Subject area 3 - Global Citizenship and Culture

Inclusion, sustainability and cultural awareness in teaching

Course Title: Inclusion, sustainability and cultural awareness in teaching
Course Number: 28WISCA01N
ECTS Credits: 3

Course content: 

  • Analysis of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
  • Discussion of the notion “globalization”
  • Opportunities and challenges of living in a (seemingly) globalized world
  • Characteristics of the global citizens – implications for teaching children
  • Tension between global interconnectedness and isolationism

Subject area 4 - Sports, PE and Health

Subject area 5 - Language teaching and learning


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