Basics of mathematical didactics (1,5 ECTS)

Coursenumber: P1BBMB11


- understanding mathematics
- mathematics from the perspective of neuroscience
- didactics principles of learning mathematics and its models: target-oriented, action-oriented, learning theory, pschological and system-oriented
.- implement effective maths instruction
- integrates national curriculum, mathematic standards and benchmarks
- effectively uses models and representations (Jean Piaget, Hans Aebli, Jerome Bruner)
- differentiated maths instruction
- implement effective maths instruction
- understand the complexity of the mathematical language

Goals and competences to achieve: 

- recommends various instructional strategies that encourage students' development of abstract thinking
- integrates national curriculum, mathematic standards and benchmarks into instruction
- effectively uses models and representations to support the unique needs of diversity
- use their knowledge to sucessfully enhance, interpret and communicate in a teaching situation
- support diversity as an enrichment and chance
- percieves the value of differentiated instruction and uses didactic measures to enhance this.

Requirements and Notes: - 

Information on exams: - 



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