Basics of sport games (2 ECTS)

Coursenumber: SeBBS06x01


Practical use of the most important categories of "little sport games" in physical education teaching (ball games, etc.) 
Rules and guidelines for "little sport games" 
Methododics of "little sport games" 
Manuals and referee work 

Goals and competences to achieve: 

Students can organise, plan and lead "little sport games in physical education teaching, they can use "little sport games" in physical education teaching adequatily, students can integrate "little sport games" in didactical processes as introduction to "big games", students understand school relevant rules and responsibilities and can adjust rules according to situational demands, they achieve the technical and tactical competences for "little sport games". 

Requirements and Notes: 

This course is only for sport students! 

Information on exams: 

Evaluated teaching situation 


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