Classroom Management (2 ECTS)

Coursenumber: 28CMLP0001


• Preventive and reactive strategies dealing with conflicts in class
• Professional communication in class
• Different items of good classroom management based on Jacob Kounin
• How to write a lesson plan
• Creating learning environment for different learners
• Characteristics of effective teaching and learning
• How to organise things 

Goals and competences to achieve: 

• Students get to know and learn to use the basics of planning and organising lessons regarding contents, goals, social interaction and various methods of teaching
• Students know and use strategies how to avoid or cope with conflicts
• Students learn to communicate with pupils in a highly appreciating way
• Students can apply classroom management techniques in classroom

Requirements and Notes: 

This course is connected to the school practice and is strongly recommended if school practice is chosen! 

Information on exams: - 



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