Innovative Teaching Strategies (2 ECTS)

Coursenumber: 28ITS00001


• Learners' differences and the need of individualisation in teaching as a result
• Different roles of a teacher (controller, organiser, assessor, prompter, participant, resource, tutor, observer)
• Different methods of teaching
• Concept of one's own pedagogical self image
• New forms of assessment (feedback given by competences, forms of self assessment, working behaviour, social behaviour)
• How to form groups in class

Goals and competences to achieve: 

• Students get to know various methods of teaching
• Students use different methods of modern teaching
• Students teach pupils individually when knowing about pupils’ learning differences
• Students write their own pedagogical self image and talk about it in a group discussion
• Students are aware of the different roles of a teacher and focus on those that fit to their personality
• Students are able to form groups regarding learners’ needs

Requirements and Notes: 

This course is closely connected to the school practice. If you choose school practice it is strongly recommended to take this course. Compulsory attendance is 75%. 

Information on exams: 



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