Principles of motor development and movement (1,5 ECTS)

Coursenumber: P1BBMKBS1


- diverse, fast-moving range of activities to support motor developement ( walk, run, hop, jump, climb...)
- games to promote physical and mental growth
- learning processes (fair play, accepting rules, team and group building)
- exercise programmes to stabilise posture
- correct handling of large and small equipment
- secure and stabilise movement stations

Goals and competences to achieve: 

The students

- can access a wide range of motivating movement concepts to encourage motor skills and fitness
- plan, organise and lead movement activities
- gain confidence in the handling of eqipment
- develope programmes that support all students ( diversity-sensitive) 

Requirements and Notes: 

- reflection on possible issues
- practical approach to materials for movement activities
- recognise possible dangers and and establish safety strategies

Information on exams: 

continuous assessment 


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