Video and Radio in Education (2 ECTS)
Coursenumber: PWahlPHTV3
Video and Radio products play an enormous role in children’s realities today. They often dominate over the written word and they are the story tellers and opion builders of our time.
More and more it becomes the responsibility of schools to make children competent mature consumers of media products. To achieve that they have to learn to understand video and audia production processes, to be then able to estimate better what they are „told“ by those products.
Digital tools make it extremely simple to produce video and radio and community media often offers an easy way for going public. In many countries school radio and TV is part of schools every day life.
This course gives you basic knowledge of video and radio production with the focus to use it in schools and produce video and radio products with children. It helps for a better and more mature understanding of media products.
In the winter semester students take part in the international video in education challenge „EDIT“, in which students from 12 European universities compete in the producation of short video tutorials. An international jury selects the winners.
Goals and competences to achieve:
being able to integrate video and radio work in the educational practice in schools
better understanding of media products
Requirements and Notes:
For this course no previous knowledge in video and radio work or no special computer skills are needed.
Information on exams:
News & Aktuelles