Course program for international students summer semester
Please note that all courses marked with "IKS" are courses organised by the Institute for International Cooperation and Studyprograms. We recommend to take those courses to avoid course time collisions. It's also guaranteed that those courses are in English language only!
Introductory week (IKS) - 1 ECTS (Kopie 1)
Please put this course title and number for the introductory week into your learning agreement: Introduction to Austrian Culture, Communication, Education - 28WSINTR01
Participation in the introductory week is mandatory for all incoming students at PHOOE, so please plan your travel accordingly! The program includes a welcome part, excursions in the city and to the mountains with a lot of information about Austrian geography and culture, all technical information you need to know about the university's systems like Digital Learning Management, your electronic course calendar, using the computer systems, an introduction to schoolpractice, etc.. It usually runs for 4 days and usually starts in the week before regular courses start, so for the winter semester usually in the last week of September and for the summer semester in the last week of February.
Subject Area 1 - Teaching Practice, Supervision and Teaching Methods
School Placement: Ways of writing and discussing reflective portfolios (IKS)
Course name:
School Placement: Ways of writing and discussing reflective portfolios
Course number:
Half a day, usually one morning (Wednesdays), incoming students to PHOOE spend in one of our practice schools, with selected practice teachers. They observe, practice teaching themselves and reflect. Additionally to the practice teacher every team has a tutor from the university assigned.
Attending school practice is compulsory for incoming students at PHOOE! It is also mandatory that students register for the accompaning course "Tutorial for Practice"!
Classroom Management (IKS)
Course Title:
Classroom Management
Course number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
- Characteristics of effective teaching and learning in class
- Professional communication in class
- Preventive and reactive strategies dealing with conflicts in class
- Classroom management techniques
- Designing a lesson plan
- Creating beneficial learning environments for individual learners
- How to organise thing
Special requirements:
English level B2
Taking part in the course "Innovative Teaching Strategies" is obligatory for this course!
Teaching and Learning methods:
Teaching methods:
- Lecture mode
- Problem solving
- Role playing
- Group work
- Games Method of Teaching
- Student-Centered Learning
Learning methods:
- Visual Learning
- Auditory Learning
- Reading and Writing
- Kinesthetic
- Verbal or Linguistic Learning
- Social or Interpersonal Learning
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
- Formative assessment
- Designing a lesoon plan including material if needed
- Individual reflection on teaching this plan
Tutorial for Practice (IKS)
Course Title:
Tutorial for Practice
Course number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
Individual planning for school practice in the practice group
Preparing and creating material in a heterogeneous group
Discussing, getting to know, and if time trying out various methods of teaching
regarding listening, talking, reciprocal reading, writing, story telling, songs and games
Special requirements:
English level B2
Course is required for all students taking school practice!
Teaching and Learning methods:
Teaching methods:
- Problem solving
- Prompting with ideas
- Group work
- Games Method of Teaching
- Student-Centered Learning
Learning methods:
- Searching for material
- Preparing and creating didactic material for individual learners
- Working in a group
- Social Learning
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
Formative assessment
Innovative Teaching Strategies (IKS)
Course Title:
Innovative Teaching Strategies
Course number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
Learners' differences and the need of individualisation in teaching as a result
Different roles of a teacher (controller, organiser, assessor, prompter, participant, resource, tutor, observer)
Different methods of teaching
Concept of one's own pedagogical self image
New forms of assessment (feedback given by competences, forms of self assessment, working behaviour, social behaviour)
How to form groups in class
Special requirements:
English level B2
Taking part in the course "Classroom Management" is obligatory for this course!
Teaching and Learning methods:
Teaching methods:
- Lecture mode
- Problem solving
- Role playing
- Group work
- Games Method of Teaching
- Student-Centered Learning
Learning methods:
- Visual Learning
- Auditory Learning
- Reading and Writing
- Kinesthetic
- Verbal or Linguistic Learning
- Social or Interpersonal Learning
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
- Formative assessment
- Presenting one teaching strategy in the seminar
- Leading a group discussion on the presentation and on the method
Technology enhanced learning in an intercultural environment (IKS)
Titel |
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Nummer |
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Art |
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Semesterstunden |
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Angeboten im Semester |
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Vortragende*r (Mitwirkende*r) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | |||
Organisation |
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Stellung im Studienplan / ECTS-Credits |
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Angaben zur Abhaltung | |||
Inhalt |
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Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse) |
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Ziel (erwartete Lernergebnisse und erworbene Kompetenzen) |
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Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen |
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Lehr- und Lernmethode (Vermittlung der Kompetenzen) Workload für Studierende |
Outdoor Education in sustainable and inclusive context (IKS)
Course Title:
Outdoor Education in sustainable and inclusive context
Course Number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
Children and adolescents nowadays often miss a close connection to nature, a resource that can help to gain self-awareness, self-confidence and can foster emotional strength.
This course will provide you with a lot of adventurous and also gentle methods to bring children and adolescents in closer connection to nature and also offers learning opportunities in the outdoors, for science and sports education. A strong focus goes on team-building exercises for the classroom.
Special requirements:
No - the course is organised in an inclusive structure - everybody can participate according to her/his abilities
Hiking shoes, sleeping bag, sports clothes, warm trouses and jackets, warm socks
Teaching and Learning methods:
Cooperative Learning
Kooperatives Lernen
Situation orientated Learning
Teamwork and team challenges
Outdoor activities and excursions (overnight stay in a hut)
Gym hall cooperative activities
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
Partcipation in excercises and tasks
Teaching across borders (IKS)
Course Title:
Teaching and Learning across borders
Course Number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
Being a teacher in Europe: a common living space
- Reflection on culture(s), language(s), norms and values
- Education policies in Europe
- History of migration
- Impact of migration on European societies with focus on education
Being a teacher in Europe: development of plurilingual and pluricultural competences
- Identity and languages
- Identity and cultures
Being a teacher in Europe: working in a multicultural context
- Didactics of plurilingualism: an overview
- Education for peace and mutual understanding
Special requirements:
Teaching and Learning methods:
Interactive learning and teaching forms (learning from each other):
- small workshops, presentations, group work, discussions, etc
- excursions, support of PH-OÖ international events
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
Continuous assessment
Digital Media Production for Education (IKS)
Course Title:
Digital Media Production for Education
Course Number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
In this course students can get basic competences in using video and audio in the classroom. From recording to editing and publishing students learn mostly in practical work - there is no previous knowledge or technical competences required. In the winter semester students take part in an international "Video in Education" competition, in which students from around 10 European universities produce educational videos in a "hackathon style" event in 4 days. Most of the course time is fulfilled during that period which usually takes place end of November (In this course students can get basic competences in using video and audio in the classroom. From recording to editing and publishing students learn mostly in practical work - there is no previous knowledge or technical competences required. In the winter semester students take part in an international "Video in Education" competition, in which students from around 10 European universities produce educational videos in a "hackathon style" event in 4 days. Most of the course time is fulfilled during that period which usually takes place end of November (
Special requirements:
No - no previous technical knowledge required
Teaching and Learning methods:
Cooperative Learning
Practical training
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
Partcipation in excercises and tasks
New media in history teaching
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | ||||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course categories |
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Course description | ||||
Content |
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Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) |
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Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students | ||||
Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
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Exam Information | ||||
Prerequisites according to curriculum |
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Assessment (Exam Method and Evaluation) | ||||
Exam Dates & Registration |
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Number of Exam Dates per Semester |
Basics of Mathematics Didactics
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | ||||||||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course description | ||||||||
Content |
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Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) |
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Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students |
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Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
Subject area 2 - Music, Arts and Handicraft
MUSEEK: inclusive and intercultural approaches in music teaching (IKS)
Course Title:
MUSEEK: inclusive and intercultural approaches in music teaching
Course number:
ECTS Credits:
3 ECTS Credits
Languages of instruction:
Englisch (primary), German, Spanish (on demand)
Course content:
- The unifying quality of music and dance, between people as well as nations
- The experience of different musical cultures and different musical approaches
- acquisition of pieces of music, songs and dances for school and for the own teaching
- active playing in small and larger ensembles
- exercises in order to improve the individual instrumental and vocal skills
- The interconnectedness of music and movement - the body as an instrument – body percussion
- basic striking techniques on percussion instruments (Cajon, Conga, frame drum, ...) and their applications
- exercises for rhythm training
- ear training
- exercises for musical interaction and improvisation
- reflection on musical theory in the act of playing and corresponding challenges
- producing musical instruments yourself („thunderdrum“ , Kazoo,...)
- experience the correlation between music and movement, as well as between music and language through an active and holistic approach
- acquire a repertoire of pieces of music, songs and dances for their own lessons
- deepen and expand the individual instrumental and vocal skills
- master basic techniques on percussion instruments and body percussion
- acquire body percussion arrangements
- perform in ensembles and take over vocal and instrumental parts
- experience contents of musical theory at first playfully, then reflect on and internalize these, in order to be able to apply them
Special requirements:
None, joy with music
Teaching and Learning methods:
- making music in small and larger ensembles
- working on movement and body percussion
- performing international dances
- exercises for interaction and improvisation
- written reflection
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
immanent examination character,
choose 1 option out of 4 possiblities (bring in 1. a dance / or 2. a body percussion creation / or 3. new lyrics to an existing song / or 4. perform one of the musical challenges from our lessons),
submission of a written reflection
Instrumental music 1 (small groups) piano or guitar (please select!)
Course Title:
Instrumental music 1 (small groups) piano or guitar (please select!)
Course Number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
Promoting perception
- group music making
- playing techniques
- ensemble conducting
- improvisation
Special requirements:
Basic knowledge of the instrument
Teaching and Learning methods:
Working on selected pieces of music in individual supervision and making music in an ensemble. Working on and practicing pieces of music in preparation for instrumental lessons.
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
Immanent examination character. Active participation in the group learning process.
Wahlfach Chor (Choral Singing advanced) - includes mandatory performance at university Christmas party
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | |||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course description | |||
Content | |||
Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) | |||
Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students | |||
Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
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Exam Information | |||
Prerequisites according to curriculum |
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Assessment (Exam Method and Evaluation) | |||
Exam Dates & Registration |
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Number of Exam Dates per Semester |
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Exploring Materials - Constructing Models
Course Title:
Exploring Materials - Constructing Models
Course Number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
In this seminar you will be intriduced to all four common materials you will be working with at primary school level. Together we will explore the characteristics of the materials and how they can be processed by using simple tools.
The aim is to create a collection of playful as well as useful pieces, like a spinning top or a sound amplifier, that you can use as models in teaching at school.
Special requirements:
Together we will try to acquire basic knowledge of how to use the tools if you do not yet have these skills.
Teaching and Learning methods:
Technical theory is combined with practical exercises.
Lecture formats, disussions, workshop lessons
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
Inherent examination character, continuous assessment
Art in Education (IKS)
Course Title:
Art in Education
Course Number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
English (German)
Course content:
We work practically on various design topics such as painting, graphics, printmaking, photography, lettering and mixed media. Lectures are also given on these topics.
Special requirements:
about 15€ for painting-, drawing-, printing material, paper, colored pencils, felt tips (I will buy the sketchbook for everyone)
things to bring to the class: black fineliner (permanent), glue, scissors, ruler
Teaching and Learning methods:
lectures, workshops, pairwork, teamwork, work at stations on various design techniques
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
an A4 art sketch book full of ideas;
(Themes: printing, calligraphy, painting, drawing, mixed media, sketches, notes, photography,...) - some pages will be filled during the workshop lessons)and a notebook (or second sketchbook) for collecting practical ideas, process documentation and evaluation of the course
Maker Space 2
Course Title:
Maker Space 2
Course Number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
In the “Maker space” elective, students explore the fusion of craftsmanship and creative design. Students design and realize physical projects with an emphasis on combining digital and craft skills. The course encourages critical thinking and teamwork as students apply their creative ideas to real-world projects. They acquire skills in mastering the formulation and accomplishment of open-ended tasks with minimal use of materials
Special requirements:
Teaching and Learning methods:
Project work - appointments are arranged personally
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
immanent testing character
Subject area 3 - Global Citizenship and Culture
Developing European School Cooperation (eTwinning) (IKS)
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | |||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course description | |||
Content | |||
Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) | |||
Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students |
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Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
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Exam Information | |||
Prerequisites according to curriculum |
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Assessment (Exam Method and Evaluation) | |||
Exam Dates & Registration |
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Number of Exam Dates per Semester |
Inclusion, Sustainability and Cultural Awareness in Teaching (IKS)
Course Title:
Inclusion, Sustainability and Cultural Awareness in Teaching
Course Number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
This course examines the dynamic trends of globalization and isolation, analyzing their causes, impacts, and the interplay between these forces in the contemporary world. Students will explore the historical context, the rise of global interconnectedness, and the recent shifts toward isolationism. The course will also focus on sustainable solutions that address the challenges posed by these trends, aiming to promote a balanced and resilient global society.
Special requirements:
Teaching and Learning methods:
Interactive learning and teaching forms, analysis of articles and documentaries, student presentations
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
Continuous Assessment (class participation, reading assignments, presentations, reflections)
Business Behaviour I
ECTS Credits: 1
Couse number: I3W33SBBE1
Content: Corporate Culture, Corporate Identity (Corporate Design, Corporate Behaviour, Corporate Communication), Business etiquette, rules of conduct
Objective: Students are able to assess professional behavior in business situations. They know how to comply with rules of conduct and how to use different forms of communication in business life
Lecturer (Assistant) |
Subject area 4 - Sports, PE and Health
Motorical Ability
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | ||||||||||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course description | ||||||||||
Content |
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Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) |
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Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students |
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Scheduled Dates |
Principles of motor development and movement
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | ||||||||||||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course description | ||||||||||||
Content |
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Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) |
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Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students |
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Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
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Exam Information | ||||||||||||
Prerequisites according to curriculum |
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Assessment (Exam Method and Evaluation) | ||||||||||||
Exam Dates & Registration |
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Number of Exam Dates per Semester |
Dance/Gymnastics/Rhythmic Movement
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | |||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course description | |||
Content | |||
Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) | |||
Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students |
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Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
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Exam Information | |||
Prerequisites according to curriculum |
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Assessment (Exam Method and Evaluation) | |||
Exam Dates & Registration |
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Number of Exam Dates per Semester |
Basics of short sport games
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | ||||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course categories |
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Course description | ||||
Content |
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Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) |
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Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students | ||||
Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
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Exam Information | ||||
Prerequisites according to curriculum |
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Assessment (Exam Method and Evaluation) | ||||
Exam Dates & Registration |
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Number of Exam Dates per Semester |
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Teaching Basics of Swimming 1
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | ||||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course description | ||||
Content | ||||
Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) | ||||
Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students | ||||
Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
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Exam Information | ||||
Prerequisites according to curriculum |
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Assessment (Exam Method and Evaluation) | ||||
Exam Dates & Registration |
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Number of Exam Dates per Semester |
Gymnastics and acrobatics I - only for secondary education sports students
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | ||||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course categories |
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Course description | ||||
Content | ||||
Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) | ||||
Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students | ||||
Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
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Exam Information | ||||
Prerequisites according to curriculum |
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Assessment (Exam Method and Evaluation) | ||||
Exam Dates & Registration |
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Number of Exam Dates per Semester |
Basketball and handball - only for secondary education sports students
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | ||||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course categories |
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Course description | ||||
Content | ||||
Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) | ||||
Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students | ||||
Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
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Exam Information | ||||
Prerequisites according to curriculum |
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Assessment (Exam Method and Evaluation) | ||||
Exam Dates & Registration |
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Number of Exam Dates per Semester |
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Swimming advanced - only for secondary education sports students
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | ||||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course categories |
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Course description | ||||
Content | ||||
Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) | ||||
Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students | ||||
Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
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Exam Information | ||||
Prerequisites according to curriculum |
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Assessment (Exam Method and Evaluation) | ||||
Exam Dates & Registration |
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Number of Exam Dates per Semester |
Subject area 5 - Language teaching and learning
Applied Linguistics (IKS)
Course Title:
Applied Linguistics
Course Number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
Students will be introduced to the principles of Linguistics as well as to the practical application of linguistic principles in the teaching of language. The principles of first- and second language acquisition will be discussed. The students will receive a better understanding of the relationship of the brain to language acquisition. What are language learning differences in learners? What are effective language learning strategies based on linguistic principles. What role does creativity play in language acquisition?
Students will achieve a better understanding of the underlying principles of Linguistics, and will be able to practically apply these principles in language teaching and language acquisition. The students will understand the relevance of Linguistics for foreign language teaching.
Special requirements:
No. This course is for Erasmus students only. Registration via the Institute for International Cooperation and Study Programs.
Teaching and Learning methods:
Lectures and exercises
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
At least 80% course attendance required. Numerical grade consisting of work assignments; active participation in the seminar: group work, discussions, presentations; written work.
Continuous assessment. Assessments will take place during the course.
English Communication Skills for Peace Education (IKS)
Course Title:
English Communication Skills for Peace Education
Course Number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
English for Academic Dialogue and Discourse teaches students to understand and appropriately use academic language for discussion and dialogue. It encourges students to understand the differences between discussion and dialogue and provides training in "non violent communication"
Activities will include:
• Participation in classroom interactions, seminar discussions and topical debates
• Practicing skills such as doing presentations and stating one’s point of view in a discussion following guidelines of dialogue
• Researching and evaluating journal articles and/or films about current and relevant educational and societal issues
• Conducting Internet searches in English about relevant cultural, societal and educational issues
• Involving oneself with learning activities and assignments outside of the classroom
• Developing cooperative and collaborative learning workshops
Special requirements:
Teaching and Learning methods:
Internet research
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
Partcipation in excercises and tasks
German for beginners (IKS)
Course Title:
German for Beginners (Deutsch für Anfänger)
Course number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
This course is specifically designed for those students who have not had a chance to study German and have little to no understanding of the German language. You will be using the book ‘Schritte Plus A 1.1’ , learning the basics of German such as ‘Introductions’ , ‘My Family’ , ‘Food and Drink’ and ‘Numbers’ etc. to help in you in everyday life in Austria. At the end of this course, students' German language skills in Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking should be at A1.1 level.
Special requirements:
Teaching and Learning methods:
Input of the teacher (grammar, pronunciation, etc), partner interviews, group work, field trips (to the supermarket, etc), games
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
Class participation, short assignments, quizzes
German advanced (Deutsch Kommunikation) - IKS
Course Title:
German Advanced (Deutsch Kommunikation)
Course number:
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
In dieser Lehrveranstaltung werden alle vier Kompetenzen auf dem Level B2/C1 trainiert, wobei der Fokus auf dem Sprechen liegt. Den Notwendigkeiten der Studierenden angepasst, werden punktuell grammatikalische Strukturen, Satzbau, etc. wiederholt und Übungen zur Aussprache gemacht.
Special requirements:
Deutsch B1
Teaching and Learning methods:
Input der Lehrperson (Grammatik, Aussprache, Satzbau, etc.), Präsentationen der Studierenden, Spiele, Partnerinterviews
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
Mitarbeit, Präsentationen, kurze Artikel- und Filmbesprechungen, kleinere Aufgabenstellungen
Children's Literature
Course Title:
Children`s Literature
ECTS Credits:
1 ECTS-Credits
Languages of instruction:
Englisch (primary), German
Course content:
- Authentic books,
- Storytelling and storybuilding methods including digital ones
- Activities for storytelling
- Lesson planning
- Drama methods
Special requirements:
Inhalte der LVs “Student Centered Teaching” und “Language Teaching Methodology”
Teaching and Learning methods:
Lectures, group and individual work, discussions, presentation
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
Grading within Austrian grading system (1 = best, 5 = failed) immanent exam character
To complete the course successfully the following has to be achieved:
- Positive grading of e-tivities
- Aktive participation in course
- Analyse children's literature, prepare and present didactical approaches, constructive discussion in plennary course sessions in the target language English
Teaching Resources
Course Title:
Teaching Resources
ECTS Credits:
2 ECTS-Credits
Languages of instruction:
Englisch (pirmary), German
Course content:
methods of foreign languages didactics, teaching materials and media in language teaching
Course book evaluation
Digital learning tools
Teaching tools like games, songs, rhymes and glove puppets,
Classroom language
Classroom management
Materials für Englisch als L2/L3 (with consideration of intercultural und inclusive aspects)
Special requirements:
English competence B 1
Teaching and Learning methods:
Lectures, group- and individual work, discussions, presentation
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
Grading within Austrian grading system (1 = best, 5 = failed) immanent exam character
To complete the course successfully the following has to be achieved:
- Positive grading of e-tivities
- Aktive participation in course
- Analyse children's literature, prepare and present didactical approaches, constructive discussion in plennary course sessions in the target language English
Language Teaching Methodology
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | ||||||||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course description | ||||||||
Content | ||||||||
Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) | ||||||||
Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students | ||||||||
Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
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Exam Information | ||||||||
Prerequisites according to curriculum |
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Assessment (Exam Method and Evaluation) | ||||||||
Exam Dates & Registration |
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Number of Exam Dates per Semester |
Student Centred Teaching
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | ||||||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course description | ||||||
Content | ||||||
Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) | ||||||
Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students | ||||||
Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
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Exam Information | ||||||
Prerequisites according to curriculum |
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Assessment (Exam Method and Evaluation) | ||||||
Exam Dates & Registration |
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Number of Exam Dates per Semester |
Understanding Drama and Film (only for secondary education English students; entrance exam required)
Understanding Drama and Film
Beteiligte Personen
Vortragende*r (Mitwirkende*r)
Proseminar (PS)
Angeboten im Semester
Wintersemester 2023
Sekundarstufe des Instituts Ausbildung
Coming soon
Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen
Lehr- und Lernmethode
Teilnahmekriterien und Anmeldung
Pronunciation and Intonation (only for secondary education English students; entrance exam required)
This course aims to introduce students to basic elements of pronunciation and intonation from both a theoretical and practical point of view, starting out with ‘articulatory phonetics’ (i.e. manner and place of articulation) and then progressing to aspects of ‘connected speech’ (assimilation, elision and weak forms), and also to provide practice at improving students’ own pronunciation competence. The pronunciation model used in the course is standard British English. However, students are free to take any comprehensible, standard native speaking variant as their own model.
Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen
By the end of the course students will be able to explain and exemplify basic terminology, to transcribe, at word and sentence level, using the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), so that they are prepared for future linguistic seminars and can thus successfully speak, read and write about the properties of sounds in an academic context. Students will also be able to demonstrate an acceptable standard of English pronunciation (C1), with emphasis on aspects covered during the course.
Teaching Language Skills II (only for secondary education English students; entrance exam required)
Course Title:
Teaching Language Skills 2
ECTS Credits:
Languages of instruction:
Course content:
This course deals with teaching language skills in the EFL classroom focusing on speaking and writing. It introduces the students to the basic terminology and knowledge within this field and will enable students to design, critically reflect on, and evaluate tasks and activities for the competency-oriented classroom. Apart from offering a broad introduction to a skills-based approach, this course also covers other related aspects such as teaching literature, working with course books, and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Special requirements:
Students must pass the Placement test
Teaching and Learning methods:
Individua, pair and group work
Method of evaluation and/or course completion requirements:
Continuous assessment, i.e. assessment depends on students' achievements in the following areas:
- Active participation, presentations
- Term paper
- Final exam
Spoken Academic Production (only for secondary education English students; entrance exam required)
This course is designed to give students guidance and practice in improving their presentation skills, thereby enabling them to communicate better in their future profession. It will cover a range of presentation formats and end with an extemporaneous talk that will serve as a trial run for the presentation task during the Fachprüfung Sprachbeherrschung.
Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen
B2+ in addressing audiences. Can give a clear, systematically developed presentation, with highlighting of significant points and relevant supporting detail. Can depart spontaneously from a prepared text and follow up interesting points raised by members of the audience, often showing remarkable fluency and ease of expression.
C1 in addressing audiences. Can give a clear, well-structured presentation of a complex subject, expanding and supporting points of view at some length with subsidiary points and relevant examples. Can handle interjections well, responding spontaneously and almost effortlessly.
Lehr- und Lernmethode
A range of speaking and presentation exercises.
Listening and Speaking (only for secondary education English students; entrance exam required)
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | ||||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course categories |
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Course description | ||||
Content |
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Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) |
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Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students |
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Scheduled Dates |
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Course Criteria & Registration |
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Exam Information | ||||
Prerequisites according to curriculum |
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Assessment (Exam Method and Evaluation) |
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Exam Dates & Registration |
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Number of Exam Dates per Semester |
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Further information | ||||
Recommended Reading |
Understanding Fiction and Poetry (only for secondary education English students; entrance exam required)
Title |
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Number |
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Type |
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Semester hours |
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Offered in |
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Lecturer (Assistant) |
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Administrative Mitarbeiter*innen | ||||
Organisation |
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Curriculum / ECTS Credits |
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Course categories |
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Course description | ||||
Content |
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Previous Knowledge Expected |
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Objective (Expected Results of Study and Acquired Competences) |
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Languages of Instruction |
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Teaching and Learning Method (Transfer of Skills) Workload for Students |
Written Production I (only for secondary education English students; entrance exam required)
Written Production I
Beteiligte Personen
Vortragende*r (Mitwirkende*r)
Übung mit Vorlesung (UV)
Angeboten im Semester
Wintersemester 2023
Sekundarstufe des Instituts Ausbildung
Students will improve their writing skills by learning to express ideas in an accurate and appropriate manner and will learn to write self-contained paragraphs within the conventions of a variety of text types. We will examine models of different types of writing, and students will be asked to produce texts of their own. Various aspects of English grammar and vocabulary essential for these writing processes will be reflected on and practiced.
Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen
Pass in Advanced Grammar. B2 in overall written production Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his/her field of interest; can synthesize and evaluate information and arguments from a number of sources.
C1 level in grammatical accuracy in the following aspects: passive voice, gerund and infinitive constructions, advanced uses of adjectives and adverbs, and embedded clauses. Consistently maintains a high degree of grammatical accuracy; errors are rare and difficult to spot. C1 in overall written production: Can write clear, well-structured texts on complex subjects, highlighting the relevant salient issues, expanding and supporting points of view at some length with subsidiary points and relevant examples, and finishing off with an appropriate conclusion.
Lehr- und Lernmethode
Self-study Chapter quizzes Wide range of exercises Weekly paragraphs