German Version

International Annual Conference “Organization and Responsibility”, March 1 – 2, 2018

Responsibility is a fundamental term of ethical thinking that has recently been discussed intensively on a politically programmatic and on an overall societal level. As an important research category of organizational education, it helps clarifying questions in organizational theory and general education. The International Annual Conference “Organization and Responsibility” of the Commission Organizational Education in the German Educational Research Association (GERA) takes place in cooperation with the Division School Research and School Development in the Austrian Educational Research Association (OEFEB), the University of Education Upper Austria and the Johannes Kepler University Linz and deals with the role, the function(s) and the meaning of responsibility in, of and between organizations regarding processes of organizing and organizational learning.

The conference addresses primarily scientific researchers in the field of organizational education. Students, colleagues, organizational leaders and other people interested in organizations and organizational learning from schools, universities, non-profit organizations, public authorities or social welfare organizations are welcome as well.


Thursday, 01.03.2018
Until 11.00Pre-Conference for Emerging Researchers:
Forum Organizational Education Research
11.00 – 11.30      Beginning of the Conference “Organization and Responsibility”
Registration and little snack
11.30 – 12.00

Conference Opening and Words of Welcome

  • Prof. Dr. Susanne Maria Weber (Board "Section Organizational Education")
  • VR Josef Oberneder, University of Education Upper Austria
  • District councillor Claudia Hahn (City of Linz)
  • Dr. Holger Backhaus-Maul (Hochschulnetzwerk "Bildung durch Verantwortung")
  • Prof. Dr. Claudia Fahrenwald (local organizer)
(Hörsaal 2/Lecture Hall 2)
12.00 – 13.00     Keynote
Prof. Dr. Günther Ortmann (University Witten/Herdecke, Germany)
Repression of Morality and the Fabrication of Legitimization in and by Organizations
(Hörsaal 2/Lecture Hall 2)
13.00 – 13.45    Lunch Break (45 min)

13.45 – 16.30     

Coffee Break
14.55 – 15.20

Parallel Panels I (4 x 35 min)
Panel 1: Organization and Responsibility. Theoretical Perspectives
(Seminarraum 4/Seminar Room 4)
Panel 2: Responsibility between Governance and Creation. Empirical and
Comparative Aspects
(Seminarraum /Seminar Room 5)
Panel 3: Organizational Responsibility. Empirical and Comparative Aspects
(Seminarraum 6/Seminar Room 6)
Panel 4: Responsibility (in) Organizational Education Research.
Methodological Aspects (Seminarraum 7/Seminar Room 7)
Panel 5: Responsibility in (Organizational) Educational Fields of Action. Empirical and Pragmatic Aspects (Seminarraum 2/Seminar Room 2)
Panel 6: International Perspectives on Organization and Responsibility
(Seminarraum 12/Seminar Room 12) 
16.30 – 16.45    Coffee Break (15 min)

Universities and Responsibility – 
Round-Table Discussion about the Increasing Precarity of Science

  • Julia Thibaut M.A. (University of Bayreuth)
  • Prof. Dr. Susanne Weber (Philipps University Marburg)
  • Prof. Dr. Herbert Altrichter (University of Linz)
  • Dr. Andreas Keller (Union for Education and Science, GEW)
  • Timo Schreiner M.Sc. (University of Gießen)
(Hörsaal 2/Lecture Hall 2)
17.45–18.00 Modification of Stage
18.00 – 19:30   General Meeting (Hörsaal 2/Lecture Hall 2)
20.00 Dinner at Sky Loft, Ars Electronica Center Linz


Friday, 02.03.2018
9.00 – 10.00        Keynote
Prof. Dr. Mary Brydon-Miller (University of Louisville, USA)

Ethical Reflection: Enacting Responsibility in the Personal, Collective, and Public Spheres (Hörsaal 2/Lecture Hall 2)
10.00 – 10.45     Book Release: Handbook Organizational Education (Hörsaal 2/Lecture Hall 2)
10.45 – 11.15     Coffee Break (30 min)
11.15 – 13.30    

Coffee Break (incl. soup)
12:25 - 12: 55 (30 min) 
Parallel Panels II (3 x 35 min)
Panel 1: Organization and Responsibility. Theoretical Perspectives
(Seminarraum 4/Seminar Room 4)
Panel 2: Responsibility between Governance and Creation. Empirical and Comparative Aspects (Seminarraum 5/Seminar Room 5)
Panel 3: Organizational Responsibility. Empirical and Comparative Aspects
(Seminarraum 6/Seminar Room 6)
Panel 4: Ethics and Moral in Organizations. Empirical and Pragmatic Aspects
(Seminarraum 7/Seminar Room 7)
Panel 5: Responsibility in (Organizational) Educational Fields of Action. Empirical and Pragmatic Aspects (Seminarraum 2/Seminar Room 2)
Panel 6: Responsibility in Interorganizational Cooperation. Empirical and Pragmatic Aspects (Seminarraum 12/Seminar Room 12)
13.30 – 14.00     End of the Conference, Closing Remarks (Hörsaal 2/Lecture Hall 2)




Repression of Morality and the Fabrication of Legitimization in and by Organizations

Organizations are the powerful players of the modern age. Therefore, it is even more important to realize, that while on the one hand, they stand for efficiency and reliability, on the other hand, they have significant possibilities for the repression of morality and the fabrication of legitimization. These possibilities include diffusion of responsibility, moral division of labour, organized hypocrisy, legitimization through procedures and not least, the influence of companies on law, regulation and policy in the service of corporate organizational objectives.

Günther Ortmann was Professor of General Business Administration at the Helmut Schmidt University,Hamburg (Germany) until 2010 and a visiting professor at the Universities of Vienna (Austria), Lucerne (Switzerland), Innsbruck (Austria) and St. Gallen (Switzerland). Since 2014, he holds a research professorship for leadership at the Reinhard Mohn Institute for Corporate Management at the University of Witten/Herdecke (Germany).





Ethical Reflection: Enacting Responsibility in the Personal, Collective, and Public Spheres

The word “responsibility” comes from the same Latin root as the word “respond”, so in being responsible we are answerable to ourselves and to one another for our actions. This notion of responsibility as fundamentally grounded in relationships reflects the basic tenets of covenantal ethics which holds that we have “the unconditional responsibility and the ethical demand to act in the best interest of our fellow human beings” (Hilsen, 2006, p. 27), and, one should add, in the best interests of the natural and built environments on which we all depend. This presentation focuses on processes of ethical reflection—individual, collective, and public—as a means of articulating a set of principles and holding ourselves accountable for enacting them in our personal and professional lives. Building upon this discussion we will then consider how these values might serve as touchstones informing decision making in the face of uncertainty and change.

Mary Brydon-Miller, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation, & Organizational Development and Ph.D. Program Director in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Louisville. She is a participatory action researcher who conducts work in both school and community settings. Her most recent research focuses on research ethics in educational and community settings and on the transformation of institutions of higher education through action research. She is the editor, with David Coghlan, of the SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research and is completing work on a book on ethical challenges in the context of participatory research with her colleague Sarah Banks from Durham University.

Panel Discussion

The Responsibility of Universities.

A Panel Discussion on Precarity in Academia

In modern societies, organizations are considered to be important promoters of social change. This applies especially to the organization called university, which deals with study-ing and analysing this social change and which plays a major part in the education of young people as well as, increasingly, in supporting lifelong learning. The performance of these tasks results in universities facing gradually more difficult social, political and economical conditions: there is the precarious employment situation of so-called “junior scientists”; the fact that scientific research and teaching is carried out more and more in the form of (ever more frequently grant-based) projects; and lastly the increasingly efficiency-oriented devel-opment visions of universities. All in all, these developments indicate that academic life is becoming progressively more precarious and appear to confirm the prediction of escalating academic capitalism (Münch 2011). If nothing else, this raises the question of repositioning universities in society. The direct and indirect consequences and their fundamental power to provoke change must not be underestimated. In this respect, the question of the responsibil-ity of universities has to be addressed with regard to three issues: firstly, the changing shape of scientific discovery, which seems to be losing its critical, emancipatory and dialogic poten-tial, challenges us to discuss university responsibility for science and research. Secondly, there are currently demands in higher education policy for an extensive reorientation of universities, not only guaranteeing students a sufficient level of professional qualification but also necessarily ensuring that universities provide orientation in society; in this light, the question of the social responsibility of universities is unavoidable. The precarization of aca-demia is at present most apparent in the unacceptable employment conditions of young re-searchers. Thus, under the heading of “academic precarity”, responsibility towards re-searchers constitutes the third problem area.

In light of these three problem areas, the discussion panel considers the question to what extent the institution and organization university must see itself as part of a comprehensive process of responsibility. This is not only a matter of discussing the causes, conditions and consequences of the “precarization” of academia, but above all a question of the possibility and necessity of answers in the field of organizational education.

Our guests on the panel are:

  • Julia Thibaut M.A. (University of Bayreuth)
  • Prof. Dr. Susanne Weber (University of Marburg)
  • Prof. Dr. Herbert Altrichter (University of Linz)
  • Dr. Andreas Keller (Trade Union Education and Science, GEW)
  • Timo Schreiner M.Sc.  (Universiity of Gießen)

The panel discussion will take place on Thursday, March 1st, 16:45 – 17:45, Lecture Hall 2.

Dinner & Dance Floor

The Get together in the evening of March 1st, 2018 with dinner and dance Floor will take place at the Sky Loft, Ars Electronica Center, Linz. The restaurant is directly located at the Blue Danube River with a beautiful view over the city of Linz.
By registering for the meeting, you can register for the evening event, too (€ 10 at cost price + drinks).


Main Conferenceinclusive prime costs evening event (€ 10,00)
regular price
€ 95€ 105
Part-time employees€ 75€ 85
Students, People without employment type
(submission of the student cards at the conference registration) 
€ 40€ 50
deadline: 1. February 2018

The conference contribution contains following services:

  • conference binder with abstract volume
  • participation on all conference events mentioned in the program (keynotes, panels, symposia) 
  • break catering (2x), midday snack incl. 1 drink (1x)
  • participation on the evening event on 01. March 2018, 7.00 p.m. with dinner (3-coursed, prime costs € 10,00 and drinks) and evening program
Pre Conference
regular price€ 40
part-time employees€ 30
Students, People without emploement type
(submission of the student cards at the conference registration) 
€ 20
Main Conference Pre Conference
regular price   € 100€ 110
part-time employees€ 80€ 90
Students, People without employment type
(submission of the student cards at the conference registration) 
€ 45€ 55

Please transfer the corresponding conference contribution no later than 1. February 2018 to following conference account:
IBAN: AT51 2032 0321 0009 8106
Reference: Conference Organizational Education or Conference Organizational Education & Evening Event

Claudia Fahrenwald ( is available for any questions you have.

Useful Information about Linz

At the following hotels in Linz we requested for room contingents. We ask you to book directly at the hotel you choose. The respective keyword for the booking and the time, until what time the contingents are available, we noted in the hotel information:


Prielmayerhof ****
location: approximately 200 m away from Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ
contact: +43/732/77 41 31-0
keyword: conference organizational education
available until: 07.02.2018
single room: 94 € per night incl. healthy breakfast
the costs for the underground car park are 15 €
City Hotel **** 
location: approximately 1,8 km away from Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ
contact: +43/732/65 26 22
keyword: conference organizational education
available until: 30.01.2018
double room: 105,00 € per night/per room/breakfast
single room: 90,00 € per night/per room/breakfast
Park Inn by Radisson ****
location: approximately 1,7 km away from Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ
Kontakt: +43/732/777 100 0
keyword: conference organizational education
available until: 18.01.2018
double room: EUR 125,00 per night/per room/breakfast
single room: EUR 115,00 per night/per room/breakfast
Arcotel Nike ****
location: approximately 1,4 km away from Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ
contact: +43/732/7626-0
keyword: conference organizational education
available until: 07.02.1018
superior room: 124,00 € per night/per room/breakfast
Hotel Kolping ***

location: approximately 2 km away from Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ
contact: +43/732/66 16 90
keyword: conference organizational education
available until: 20.01.2018
single room: 80,00 € per night/per room/breakfast

IBIS-Hotel ***
location: approximately 3 km away from Pädagogischen Hochschule OÖ
contact: +43/732 69401 500
Stichwort: organizational education
booking: only written with nomination of the keyword to
available: 17.01.2018
single room: 74,00 € per night/per room
Frühstück: 12,00 €
parking costs: 8,00 € / 24 hours
Lower price accommodations
Hotel Garni "Wilder Mann" **
location: ca. 3 km zur Pädagogischen Hochschule OÖ
contact: +43 732 656078

Gasthof Lüftner **
location: ca. 4 km zur Pädagogischen Hochschule OÖ
contact: +43 732 750166 

Hotel Goldenes Dachl **
location: ca. 2 km zur Pädagogischen Hochschule OÖ
contact: +43 732 775897 (Mobil +43 676 5152215)

Upper Austria's state capital Linz has a population of 200.841 and covers an area of 96,048 km². It is the third biggest city of Austria.

Our city located on the Danube has long had the reputation of a dusty steel city, though today the 'Culture Capital City of Europe 2009' belongs to the top three congress cities of Austria.

Linz is also known for its cultural opportunities, like the 'Linzer Klangwolke', the 'Pflasterspektakel', the 'Brucknerfest', the 'Ars-Elektronica-Festival' and the 'Crossing Europe Filmfestival'.

We would like to recommend following sights to you:


On more than 10.000 m² exhibition space the Linzer Schlossmuseum gives an extensive insight into the nature-, culture- and art history of Upper Austria from the beginning of life to the 21th century. It is known for its large ranged permanent exhibitions about the history of earth to the history of time, accompanied by varied special exhibitions to current international- and regional-, as well as culture-, nature- und history-based topics.


The Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, which is known for his extraordinary architecture, especially for its bright-shining facade belongs since his opening in 2003 to one of the most important museums of modern und contemporary art in Austria. It has meanwhile became to a real landmark of the city.

Based on collection holdings, which main focus lies on masterpieces of the European painting in the first half of the 20th century, as well as rich graphics collections and high-quality photography-portfolios, the range of its exhibitions reaches from the classic-historic art all the way to current art positions of our presence.

The Lentos sees itself as an open encounter with the art. The confrontation with art stimulates important thought processes in people of all ages. The meditation program of the Lentos supports people to get involved in this encounter with art.


The Ars Electronica, which started in September 1979, grew to a world-wide respected story of success. ART, TECHNOLOGY and SOCIETY - these words are still the philosophy of this specially aligned, continuous, and unique platform.

In the museum of future, which has an exhibition space of 3000 m², you encounter innovative projects as well as current issues at the interface of art, technology and society. Unique exhibitions are inviting visitors of any age, to participate. Fascinating architecture and changing LED-facade-lighting are making the Ars Electronica Center to a real eye-catcher from the outside. Inside you can enjoy a wonderful view from the 'Cafe.Restaurant.Bar CUBUS' over the Danube and the downtown of Linz. 




Not only children hearts beat faster when visiting the Pöstlingberg - another sight of Linz. After the trip with the historic Pöstlingbergbahn, it's just a few steps to the 'Wallfahrtbasiliska', the viewing platform and to the 'Grottenbahn', where mascot Sebastian invites you to join his fairy world and drive through the dwarf kingdom by the dragon express.

On the way there there, you will also find the Linzer zoo, which has 130 different types of animals and is open the entire year. There is also a petting zoo.




As the biggest church in Austria, the "Neuer Dom", which was built in 1924, provides space for approximately 20.000 people. Get a look on the wunderful painting-windows like the "Linzer Fenster" or the "Kaiserfenster". The interior gallery, which you views of the church room. Recommended are also the tower guided tours, on which you can enjoy the great view over Linz.

Built by Jesuits from 1669-1683 according to P. F. Carlone's plans. It became a bishop church (cathedral), when Josef II. made Linz a diocese. The Jesuits returned in 1909. It's at the southern end of the main square, next to the former Jesuit college. Anton Bruckner worked here as cathedral organist from 1856-1868. The organ was built according to Bruckner's plans and is still there today.
The magnificent Renaissance building was built in the 16th century and is today the seat of the Governor of Upper Austria, the parliament and the state government. The lower floors of the tower were built in 1568, the current height was reached in 1636. On special city tours the tower is walkable. Don't miss the italian-seemingly yard with its planet-fountain, which reminds of Johannes Kepler, who teached here on the landscape school for 14 years.


Prof. Dr. Claudia Fahrenwald
Tel.: +43 732 7470 7331

01.03 - 02.03.2018
Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ
Kaplanhofstraße 40
4020 Linz


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