Application Process

Student Application Deadlines:

June 5th, for academic year or for autumn semester, November 30th, for spring semester

Go to our online registration system

Fill out the form and click on send. Then you will receive on automated e-mail in which you have to click on the registration link to complete your registration. A window in your browser should open in which you can choose a user name and a password. With this access data you can log on to your application workflow in Mobiltity Online. The next step you will have to do is to complete your personal data within the secure system! You will also be asked to upload a passport photo! Please keep in mind that this doesn't mean a "photo of your passport"! It means a photo the size of a passport photo! We need it for your student card! 

Please check your spam folder regularely! Often automated mails go there without you knowing it!

Be aware that a competence level B 2 of German and/or English is essential for a positive study experience in Linz!

Important: there are many Mobility Online platforms of different European universities! After application always use this link, which takes you to our Mobility Online platform where you will have your account! Mobility Online PHOOE 

Here you can see a screenshot how to work with Mobility Online (zoom page to enlarge the picture): 


We welcome everybody and we will try to find solutions and if you’re in need of individual support, we’ll do our best to provide you with the needed measures. Please reach out to our incoming staff coordinator. 
However please keep in mind that there might be reasons which we don't have any influence on, so we cannot guarantee that we can accommodate every possible individual need. 

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