Important Facts for your stay in Linz

General Information about Linz: (in various languages)

                                                    Office: Hauptplatz 1, 4020 Linz

Linz on your smartphone:              free Visit-Linz-App (App-Store, Google Play or download from LinzTourismus)

Pocket Guide Upper Austria:


Expats Café:                        

Good to know

Emergency numbers

FIRE BRIGADE:                                   +43 732 122

POLICE:                                              +43 732 133

AMBULANCE:                                    +43 732 144

EUROPEAN EMERGENCY NUMBER: 112 (free of charge)

112 is the European emergency number you can dial free of charge from fixed and mobile phones everywhere in the EU. It will get you straight through to the emergency services – police, ambulance, fire brigade.


General Practitioner         Dr. Katrin Füreder-Ebner,
(Allgemeinmedizin)           Nietzschestraße 25, 4020 Linz, +43 732 77 63 26

Gynaecologist                   Dr. Astrid Duller-Dichtl,

(Frauenärztin)                   Weißenwolffstraße 1, 4020 Linz, +43 732 77 71 77

Ophthalmologist               Dr. Andreas Redlberger,

(Augenarzt)                      Garnisonstraße 19/Stiege B/2. Stock, 4020 Linz, +43 732 65 82 98

Dentist (Zahnärztin)         DI Dr. Madalina Iulia Dirlea,, Stelzerstraße 5, 4020 Linz, +43 732 77 45 58     

Dental Ambulatory (Zahnambulatorium, Public Health Service, usually cheaper) Derfflingerstraße 2a, 4020 Linz, + 43 5 0766-1410 3300,

Doctor service outside normal working hours of surgeries & in emergencies (HÄND – hausärztlicher Notdienst (Red Cross): +43 732 141


In Austria Hospitals will only see urgent cases, please go to the doctor first.

There are a number of hospitals in Linz. See here which one has admission:

Always open for urgent emergencies or in case of an accident:

UKH (Accident Hospital): Garnisonstraße 7, 4020 Linz, +43 59 3934 2000,

In case of emergency/an accident, go to the emergency room reception. It is called “Notfallaufnahme” (First Aid). Before you proceed to the reception desk, you have to fill out a personal data form. The forms are available in various languages. With the form, identification (e.g. passport), and insurance card (or proof of insurance), you can proceed to the desk. After you register, you will have to wait for a doctor to see you. Please keep an eye on the screens for your name to appear. When you see your name appear, go to the door number that is shown, and push the button to get in. Outside of the regular business hours, night admittance is possible. Next to the reception desk, there is a bell.

Your E-Card (European Insurance Card) will be accepted here. And don’t worry, many of our students have gone there. They are very nice!

DENTAL EMERGENCY: Garnisonstraße 7, 4020 Linz, Emergency telephone: +43 732 78 58 77

SERVICE (NDZ) at UKH: - Opening hours:Monday to Sunday, 20:00 to 24:00, additionally on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 08:00 to 14:00 

At the Dental Emergency Service (NDZ - zahnärztlicher Notdienst), patients with dental pain and emergencies can be treated outside of the normal hours of the dentist’s office.

PHARMACY (near the PH):

Donau Apotheke: Holzstraße 15, 4020 Linz, +43 732 78 34 84, 

Outside opening hours – see here, which Pharmacies are open for the night

(in urgent cases, night surchases will be charged)

Restaurants, Bars and Pubs: 

find some tips attached to this email or here:

DELIVERY SERVICES – order food from local restaurants

Lieferando: (various languages available)


Hungry Lama: (various languages available)

Save food/avoid waste: 

Too good to go (App): Saves food from shops and restaurant, app for a low price (in German but easy to handle,

Hello Fresh: Subscription – no more food waste!

They supply everything that a healthy and versatile meal needs. Particular emphasis is placed on the sourcing of ingredients. Regional suppliers fill the box with food that comes directly from the field. You choose your menus and get the right amount of ingredients (pause at any time).

Organic shops in Linz: 

Denn’s Biomarkt: Kaisergasse 17, 4020 Linz & Landstraße 111, 4020 Linz, open 08:30 - 19:00 

Müli Linz: Pfarrplatz 16, 4020 Linz

Christine’s Bio-Eck: Marktplatz 6, 4020 Linz (Südbahnhofmarkt)

Genussecke: Dornacher Straße 13, 4040 Linz

Ernte Land: Dornacher Straße 1, 4040 Linz, (from local organic farmers)

BUY DIRECTLY FROM THE FARM (near the University in Linz/Urfahr)

Katzbach Farm: Freistädter Straße 421, 4040 Linz – only cash accepted

(Hof z’Katzbach), self-service hut opening hours: daily: 6:00 – 21:00

Eggs, whole grain noodles, grain, flour, potatoes, …

Fair Trade: 

Weltladen Linz: Pfarrplatz 8, 4020 Linz (Fair trade/climate justice shop: Coffee, tea, clothing, …) 

ECO: Ethically Correct Outfits, Rainerstraße 16, 4020 Linz

Markets in Linz: 

Südbahnhofmarkt: Marktplatz 1, 4020 Linz - all kinds of food from local farmers, lunch menus, permanent shops: Mon – Sat 8:00-12:00 (individual opening hours), stalls: Fri & Sat 8:00-12:00

Mainsquare City Market: Hauptplatz Linz, Tue & Fri 8:00-12:00 – vegetables & goods from local farmers

Genussmarkt Dornach: Schumpeterstraße 1, 4040 Linz (near the University in Linz/Urfahr), Sat 7:00-12:00 – vegetables & goods from local farmers

Curiosity flea Market: Hauptplatz (Mainsquare) until Nov 9, Neues Rathaus from Nov 10, Sat 6:00-14:00

Fun Fairs: 

Urfahraner Markt (Urfix): 28.9.-6.10.2024, is a twice-annually fair in the district of Urfahr, right next to the Danube. The spring and autumn markets have existed since 1817. Originally, for the trade in goods of all kinds, it is nowadays a fun fair with beer tents, food trucks and rides for all ages. 

Christmas Markets:  

Mainsquare: 23.11.-24.12.2024, open daily: 10:00-21:00

Pfarrplatz: 23.11.-23.12.2024, open daily: 11:00-21:00

Advent am Dom (in front of the Cathedral), Domplatz 1, 4020 Linz, 23. 11.-23. 12.2024, Tue - Sun 11:00-20:00

Volksgarten: 23.11.-24.12.2024, open daily: 10:00-21:00

Winter Magic: Klosterhof, Landstraße 30, 4020 Linz, 15.11.2024-5.1.2025, Mo-Fri 15:00-21:00, Sat & Sun: 13:00-21:00

Get a bike/Second Hand & Vintage/Used Items 


Used (and new) items of all kinds (clothes, bikes, …) can be aquired online - sometimes also give aways 

B7 Fahrradzentrum, Peter-Behrens-Platz 9 (Tabakfabrik), 4020 Linz, (rent or buy bikes) 

“Zum rostigen Esel”, Museumstraße 22, 4020 Linz (very good option to buy used bikes) 

ARGE Trödlerladen, Bischofstraße 7, 4020 Linz, all items

Volkshilfe Revital Shop, Freistädter Straße 58, 4040 Linz, all items

CARLA Linz, Baumbachstraße 3, 4020 Linz (Charity Second-Hand-Shop, clothing

Olesstore Vintage, Marienstraße 4, 4020 Linz, clothing

Moschi Modeantiquariat, Rainerstraße 13, 4020 Linz

Vintage clothing, shoes, accessories (40ies to 80ies)

Volkshilfe Shop, Hessenplatz 11, 4020 Linz. mainly clothing

Buddy and Murphy, Hauptplatz 23, 4020 Linz, clothing/used designer fashion

Second Level, Hauptstraße 73, 4040 Linz, clothing

Stoffwechsell, Eisenhandstraße 47, 4020 Linz, Clothing/used Designer fashion (also dry cleaning and washing, as well as tailoring repairs) 


Come 2 Upper Austria Events: 

Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität (Bruckner University for Music):Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1, 4040 Linz,, concerts, Classical Music; for free tickets contact Niels

There are lots of events in Linz for young people - please also ask your buddies! 

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