Incoming exchange students

Study on the Danube in the heart of Europe! 

Come to Linz on an Erasmus semester or a year! A professional and flexible team offers you personal, individual support - from planning your journey, selecting your courses to finding the right place to stay. You find important tipps and information already in the sidebar on this site! 

A great, modern, meaningful and useful "international study program", especially designed for international students offers you a great variety of interesting courses taught in English language. If needed we can also help with other courses open for non German speaking students. German speaking students have the wide range of the whole teacher education program in primary, secondary and inclusive teacher education.

Check out the options of the international program here for the summer semester and here for the winter semester


Incoming students at PHOOE feedback cards

New video podcast with incoming students at PHOOE expierences!

See here the statement of Alice from Ireland ...

Here Jon from Spain ...

See here the statement of Amy of the University of Glasgow after she returned home ...

Erasmus at PHOOE - experience

News & Aktuelles

Das durch Mittel der Europäischen Union finanzierte Projekt der Pädagogischen Hochschule OÖ, der Bildungsdirektion OÖ, oberösterreichischer Schulen…

Am 17. Juni fand an der PH OÖ das 1. Symposium zum Thema „Naturwissenschaftliche Kreativität & Innovatives Problemlösen“ statt. Organisiert wurde das…


Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit herkömmlichen Methoden der schulischen…