Welcome to the Department of English | Secondary Education

As part of Cluster Mitte, the Department of English | Secondary Education organises, conducts, and researches the teacher training programme for English in secondary education (BA & MA, see STUDY PROGRAMME). These programmes encompass five main areas: teaching English as a foreign language, literary studies, culture studies, linguistics, and language proficiency.

Our team at PHOÖ consists of full-time professors, external lecturers and teachers as well as a foreign language assistant. In addition to running the BA and MA programme, the Department of English | Secondary Education is also involved in various research projects across all five areas mentioned above.

Looking back on a 40-year history of English studies in tertiary education, and with over 100 undergraduate students per year, the Department of English | Secondary Education is a dynamic and vibrant place to work and study.

Prof. Dr. Elizabeth J. Erling
PD Dr. Melissa Kennedy
University College of Education  
Department of English | Secondary Education
Rooms 343-345 (3rd Floor)
Kaplanhofstrasse 40, 4020 Linz | Austria 



News & Aktuelles

In einer Welt, die mit zahlreichen Krisen konfrontiert ist, die einen immensen Druck auf Gemeinschaften ausüben, ist die Verwirklichung der…

Seit 1. März ist die Registrierung zum Aufnahmeverfahren für ein Lehramtsstudium möglich:

  • Lehramt Primarstufe (Tagesform): 1. März bis 24. August…


Welche psychologischen Prozesse spielen sich bei uns ab, wenn wir mit überwältigenden…