Study programme

The Department of English | Secondary Education organises, conducts, and researches the new BA and MA teacher training programme for English in secondary education.


The BA and MA study programmes for English are jointly offered by the following institutions in Linz:

  • Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich (PHOÖ)
  • Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Linz (PHDL)
  • Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (JKU)

The study programmes are founded on scientific evidence and oriented towards the current demands in the professional field. In the course of the programmes, students will both acquire profound and comprehensive theoretical knowledge in the four areas of study and enhance their foreign language skills, so that they will be capable of teaching English at all levels of secondary education as well as in extra-curricular educational programmes. The complexity of pedagogical tasks requires flexibility and openness to different teaching and learning cultures as well as the ability to apply theoretical and practical knowledge in new situations. In order to meet such challenges, students are familiarised with autonomous, self-responsible, and co-operative life-long learning, both in terms of academic and social skills. The main goal of the study programmes is a comprehensive teaching competence in the field of language, literature, and anglophone cultures, as is appropriate in modern individualised, differentiated, and competence-oriented foreign language teaching.

The Bachelor English curriculum can be found here (pdf)
The Master English curriculum can be found here (pdf)

Mag. DDr. Harald Spann
PD Dr. Melissa Kennedy
University College of Education  
Department of English
Secondary Education
Rooms 343-345 (3rd Floor)
Kaplanhofstrasse 40, 4020 Linz Austria 



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