Calendar & Exam Dates

C1 Fachprüfungen Sprachbeherrschung 2023-2024

Dear students,
in 2023-24, the PHOÖ (Kaplanhofstraße 40) will organise the second sitting (11.01 written, 12.01 orals) and the third sitting (18.04 written, 19.04 orals) of the C1-exam. Registration is therefore with the PHOÖ only. For updates on dates and rooms, please check this file:


Placement Test 2023-2024

Dear students,
for the academic year 2023-2024 the PH OÖ (Kaplanhofstraße 40) will organise the second sitting of the placement test, 11.01.2024 and third sitting 06.02.2024. For further information, please check this file. 

Mag. DDr. Harald Spann
PD Dr. Melissa Kennedy
University College of Education  
Department of English
Secondary Education
Rooms 343-345 (3rd Floor)
Kaplanhofstrasse 40, 4020 Linz Austria 



News & Aktuelles

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